
At Stackle Box Design, we understand that our customers’ websites are their virtual front doors. We will do everything possible to help our clients to attract new customers and retain existing customers. With that in mind, we observe the following principles in every web design.

  • Good Navigation

    Make it easy for users to move from page to page on a site and easy for users to find what they are looking for. Users who find a site easy to use are more likely to come back.
  • Clear Communication

    Use clear and catchy titles and subtitles so users get the message quickly so they take action before they navigate away from the page.
  • Focus Users’ Attention

    Make the most important information prominent on the page and use large and clear visual cues to point users toward that information.
  • Mobile Friendliness

    Sites need to be mobile friendly and responsive on multiple screen sizes. More than half of all web browsing is done via mobile devices. Make sites look good for all users, not just viewers using full-sized screens.
  • User-Driven Design

    Research the target audience for a website and build a site that caters to that audience. Use appropriate color, images, typography, and multimedia for the target audience.
  • Get the Type Right

    Type is important for every website. For sites with a lot of text, it is especially important to use type that is large enough and well-spaced enough for the target audience to read.
  • Use Enough White Space

    Just as with type, it is important that other visual elements on the page be well-spaced and appropriate for the design. Pages with not enough whitespace fatigue a user’s eyes and may force him or her to leave the site too quickly.
  • Reduce Loading Time

    Visitors may give up on a slow-loading site in just a few seconds. It is important to reduce load times as much as possible.